For an example of asana performance, consider Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II). This pose uses every limb, every major joint & skeletal element of the body. The asana is easy to demonstrate and discuss, but everybody’s body is a little bit different. You will do this pose differently than anybody else, because of your pelvic bones shape, flexibility of sacroiliac joint, structure and function of hip & leg joints, lengths of femur and tibia, shoulder joint condition & strength, condition of muscles-tendons-ligaments in legs-arms-ankles-wrists-hand, strength & flexibility of erector spinae muscles, vertebral flexibility, and so on...... you could name dozens (actually hundreds) of particular bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and their interactions that make everybody’s body unique in performing Warrior II while remaining stable (Sthira) and comfortable (Sukha). You don’t have to do the pose like someone else, for the simple reason that your body is different than anyone else’s.
The way you do any pose will change over time, as your body improves and you work toward your goals, but please remember that your goals need to be your goals, not somebody else’s goals or somebody else’s idea of what your goals should be.